08 September 2010

the room

let me tell you one thing, cleaning up your at 2 am in the morning when your mom reminds you to wake up exactly at 3 am for preparing "sahur", is not a good idea.

but i found many "interesting" objects in my room that i would love to share.
first, is the Doraemon Hall of Fame (..or Shame? :P)

Not making excuses, but i DID stop watch the series when i was 10. seriously, i don't have any "contacts" with Doraemon anymore since then. FYI my mom did this, put all doraemon stuff together in one rack whe she was cleaning my room without my consent and moving my every single stuff so i have a little trouble finding them back.
most of them are gifts. the alarm clock on left is a gift from my parents on my twentieth--ohyeah, 20th birthday. unbelievable, i know.
i don't even remember where the three plushies on the back came from but i'm sure i just bought myself one of those. and one of them actually a gift too-don't remember which one-but this gift involved me lost something in Bali, and when i got back i had this terrible fever and my parents--then again-- bought one of those plushies to make it up, i was still a little though.
if you noticed that is a pair of slippers back there on the right,BUT i remember i bought those. even not the exact picture, it involves bandung, train station and souvenir shop. *lol*
the rest are gifts, most of them from my friends back in highschool (either junior or senior)

the second interesting stuff is...

the blue pen-like device on the left is... i don't know what it is called, but i used it in electronic class in junior high. as long i remembered that will suck (?) a melted tin from the circuit plate. correct me if i'm wrong fellow engineers, which i probably would.

and.. what about the trinity notepad?!
being a nerd until now, i was a huge fan of the matrix... which i mean HUGE. i did weird things such as watching the first movie for like-11 times. *laugh* and reading the fanfictions. oh well.
but the second and thrid movie aren't as good, so.. the fandom is over :D.

the third thing is... the cabinet

this is where i keep memories: photographs, greeting cards, post cards to where i've been, flyers of events i attended, even my old national exam IDs (see little cards on the left bottom corner?). some people would like to keep them in a book--a scrap book. but i like to keep, let say, stick it my cabinet.
it used to be so many greeting cards but i have to took those off because they blocked the whole cabinet causing loss of function temporarily.
honestly, i have this thing about greeting cards, i just incredibly happy everytime i get greeting cards for birthday or any other special occasion back then. it's just for me, i think that's very thoughtful. but now, with the internet and social networking websites, i don't get any greeting cards mailed-by-hand anymore, i got emails and picture tags, of which i'm still grateful for that :).

and why is a bad idea to clean up your room at 2 am again? beacuse you'll get to feel all warm and mushy and start to posting this kind of entry. really. *lol

i think that's it, i still have 30 minutes left to enjoy my insomnia before going down to the kitchen and wake everybody up.

oh, i know it's early but...
Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri 1431H
Mohon Maaf Lahir dan Batin

... i really meant it, the apologize part. :)

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