28 September 2008


....*lanjutan judul* bisa ngenet jugaaa
baru selesei "dinas luar" di IGD tangerang.
tempat yang menyenangkan untuk belajar :).
jadi bisa belajar banyak, baik segi kedokteran ato nggak.
walaupun cuma tiga hari, berkesan sekali. jadi kangen...

oh iya, gimana nasib lapjag gw? here it goes...
Gw: pagi ini saya akan mempresentasikan tentang *****
The One: kamu jaga kapan?
Gw: senen, dok
The One: ada pasien apa aja?
Gw: *menyebutkan setau gw*
The One: apa lagi?
Gw: ga ada.
The One: ada kan pasien kiriman dari bogor? trauma bla bla bla dengan pemasangan bla bla bla
Gw: *sumpah gw lupa ada pasien itu* Oh iya..
The One: Itulah kejelekan kamu blablabla.. mu jadi dokter ga kompeten blablabla..., trus daripada milih itu, kamu lebih milih kasus "cemen" kaya gini.

Okay, let me get things right.
seriously, i don't care that THE ONE call me uncompetent or something. tapi gw SANGAT tau apa yang akan terjadi, kalo gw bener milih kasus itu:
1. ribet, banget.
2. itu specilaitynya dia, pasti dia akan menemukan celah sekecil apapun di presentasi gw
3. *lanjutan no.3* and gave him more reason to beat me up.

oiya, balik lagi ke masalah tangerang.
ga ada masalah sih, tapi pas jalan pulang:
temen: lo nanti gw kasih terapi deh
gw: apaan?
temen: terapi komunikasi, terapi kerja lebih cepat, terapi berkerja lebih cermat

percakapan diatas dilakukan dengan ketawa2, intinya no heart feelings. gw ga tersinggung sama sekali. setelah gw pikir2, tapi ada benernya juga, gw KURANG BANGET yang namanya skill komunikasi, and i work slowly, but my brain can catch things a bit fast. masalahnya, kenapa motorik g ga bisa berkerja secepat apa yg otak gw inginkan? butuh kesabaran plus-plus kalo menghadapi gw... hahahahhaha

23 September 2008

a good (BIG) guy who never smiles...

i have few rants today:
1. i hate my life.
2. i hate my life.
3. i hate my life.
Have i told you that i hate my life? well, then i do hate my life.

i don't hate my life for the fact that in two days i just slept for 3 hours, ga pake acara sahur, dan besok 80% most likely gw bakal dibantai sama sesepuhnya BTKV... SHOOT.

tapi setleah ber-swearing and cursing ria dalem hati (ya iyalah! masa iya gw mu ngeluh di tengah ronde bedah n modul EM yg GJ tapi nyusahin ini???) ada sesuatu yang terjadi:

besok jadwalnya itu gw Laporan Jaga sama dokter BTKV yang "strict" dan "kritis", jadi gw bertekad (halah!) untuk mencari seorang pasien yang sederhana tapi menarik (ingat, bukan dari segi penampilan). kemaren pas gw jaga sih ada pasien (gw udah seneng soalnya kan ga gitu susah) ternyata.... *bunyi drum* udah gw ikutin, ada beberapa masalah...

yah sudahlah mana pasien lagi sepi di bedah, gw nekat tetep ambil itu aja.

besoknya (which is hari ini, setelah gw yang tadi: Ga sahur, sangat ga cukup tidur, dan abis ronde bedah) kerja di IGD si ibu dateng lagi. di palpasi-lah... dan dibilang gejalanya sangat khas. jadi gw (lagi) merubah lapjag gw.

udah pusing (kabar2 sang penguji minta foto pas operasi kalo bisa) padahal operasi kira2 jam 1-an. nah jam 1 itu gw ada tutorial (yang ga jadi, kalo gw tau mending gw ikutan)... setelah berdiskusi sama rekan senasib (baca: partner lapjag) kita minta untuk minta foto hasil op-nya saja

R: oh, boleh minta aja ma dr. D
gw: boleh ya dok?
R: boleh, tapi kamu belajar juga ya, takut ditanya gimana bedahnya
gw: *????????* (aih masa "anak kecil, koass sejunior2nya dan masih bodoh2 ini disuruh jelasin cara bedah)

trus dr. itu berdiri ke ruangan, disitu gw liat2 status lagi ngecek sambil liat ada yg lewat ga ma gw... trus si dr. datang bawa segepok kertas dan bilang: "nih diktat saya, kopi aja. lengkap disini kamu bisa baca2"

*if i can cry in that ward, i definitely WILL* terharuuuu~ baik sekaliii~
gw langsung lari untuk kopi, sempet dia bilang: "bawa aja, ga sekarang juga gpp". waahhhh baik sekali... walaupun selama gw kerja ga pernah senyum dan walaupun dia pas becanda pun ga ada sama seklai senyum. sempet gw takut ma dia... (and he's very BIG, literally. salah satu temen gw yg bertubuh imut mungkin bisa ditelen ma dia *kidding*) ternyata dia orang baik yg mau membantu koas yg masih bodoh ini *terharu*

Life's Sucks. specially when you're in med-school.

19 September 2008

Nessie's first day at school

Salah satu proyek gila gw sama temen2 di Indotwilight.com
we present you...

Teacher: everyone, now we have a new friend will be joining us from now on... come on in honey
*Nessie walked in*
Teacher: would you introduce yourself?
Nessie: My name is Renesmee Cullen, i'm 6 months old
Teacher: *laughs* Maybe you mean "year" darling,
Nessie: Oh yeah. sorry
Teacher: Anybody wants to ask something to Renesmee?
Nessie: Nessie, please.
Teacher: to nessie?
Student #1: What are your hobbies nessie?
Nessie: I love to hunt with my dad, and also play with my Jacob
Student #2: Who is jacob? is it your dog?
Nessie: ...*giggles*Sometimes he become dog. just when we're running through the woods.
Student #2: ...
Student #3: What are your favorite foods Nessie?
Nessie: *giggles* i love Type A negative, Type O is not so bad either. But since gran Carlisle forbid me to eat them again, i prefer Mountain Lion's.. just like mommy and daddy's favorite.
Student #3: What does she mean ma'am? *towards teacher*
Teacher: *goosebumps* i have no idea...

In Faculty Lounge
Teacher: Mrs. Cullen, i foung that nessie talked nonsensical in her first day
Bella: Non-sensical? what did she said? did she speak ill?
Teacher: No, she mentioned about Blood types and mountain lion as her favorite food and his imaginary friend named Jacob.
Bella: *take a glance at nessie* Nessie...
Nessie: They asked, Momma...
Teacher: i know you and your husband are busy, but maybe we find out what her problem really is. i think she is watching TV too much. Horror ones. *sigh* Mrs Cullen, i can help you with this. i'll try the first attempt, *turn to nessie*
Teacher: ... Ness, do you dislike me, do you dislike your friend do you hate school?
Nessie: I like you Ma'am, you smell very delicious, my friends too. i like school. even it makes me hungry one of the times..
Teacher : *blink*
Bella: Thank you for your consideration Miss. i'll take care from here. C'mon Ness, we're going home. good day Miss.

in the school hall

Bella: *Flipped Cellphone's open* Edward, you're right about school. could you contact the home-school teacher you talked about? Yes. yes, we'll stick on that way until Ness is ready. yes. Love you too. Bye.
Nessie: i'm not gonna see them ever again, Momma?
Bella: You will darling, maybe in 5-6 years... let's go home.

Capek. mana gw dapet giliran laporan jaga sama dokter killer...
kenapa gw sial banget sihhhhh???????????????

btw as the time goes,
teman2 yang manis mulai menunjukkan sifat asli, mungkin mereka juga melihat sifat asli gw yg gampang meledak ini
oh well... life's sucks. specially when you're in medschool.

13 September 2008

Do you really think i would do that

baca2 FS... *udah lama gw buka itu sih*
ada komen dari temen lama.. about her final paper themes, she asked me whether i know any "Medical Cases" (yea, she's majoring in Law) coz she put some interests on it.

well, what should i do?
i think even if i know one, i won't make her known.
i know i'm not a doctor yet, and still way to go to be one, but i just feel wrong to turn a person with same profession into something that might cause him/her trouble.

maybe i'm overreacting, but well...
Doctors ain't saint, i know...
tapi apakah tepat kalo lo ngebuka semua kekurangan di depan orang yg ga berkepentingan?
(gw baru inget itu salah satu isi sumpah yg kemaren...)
yang gw tau pasti kan ida tanya pendapat gw juga...

dan yang ngebuat gw kaget adalah..
sebenci2nya gw sama kehidupan FK, reaksi gw yg kaya gini buat gw sadar kalo sebnernya gw udah punya "sense of belonging" disini... maybe this is the right place for me... (maybe not.)

ps: lama2 foto Jacob di bawah gw apus juga... miris gw liatnya.

11 September 2008

Migraine-like migraine

*still in shock mode*

How come someone that cute turn into like-..like-... *pointing at the left picture*????

I know that Long hair thing is a BAD idea!
dan gw ga inget jacob rambutnya gondrong, oh well, at least, SEGONDRONG itu!

he's looked like 5 years older than he actually is....

Oh, Taylor.. what did they do to you?.... the make-up artist i mean...


Ohmy, gw padahal udah pernah liat dia dengan topi rajut.. lumayan.. wig-nya ga keliatan wig banget gitu lho..

btw look how cute he was... (was... seolah2.. LOL)


oh btw,

I should have the "buka puasa bersama angkatan" thing.
i was at campus until 3.15 and for the next fifteen minutes i found myself inside a cab heading for home, with pulsative-migraine-like headache.
i hate when this thing happen. headache always induce nausea, nausea always induce intention for vomiting, and the fact of vomiting always disgust me. and yeah i always have mood swings when it comes to headache. do be fooled by this appearance, i DO bite when i'm angry. LOL

Ganti Layout! (yeah!)
makasih sama aya yang udah ngajarin ganti layout sebelomnya...

07 September 2008

12 types of med students

Totally crack me up!



So? which one are you? leave a comment okay? (lol)

Meyer said on her Web site that people "might want to bring a paper bag to the movie," because the chemistry between stars Kristen Stewart (Bella) and Robert Pattinson (Edward) "may cause hyperventilation."

- might want to bring a paper bag to the movie," because the chemistry between stars Kristen Stewart (Bella) and Robert Pattinson (Edward) and Taylor Lautner (Jacob) "may cause hyperventilation Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome."

Heheheheh maksdunya cehmistrynya even better *apa sih gw* *Sotoy and Lebai MODE:ON*
iseng kok kepikiran aja.

05 September 2008

Baby A is back!

Baby A is back with his first single: CRUSH.
(miss you Archie!!!!^^)
Sebenernya sih gw udah denger lagunya, cuma males donlot abisnya liriknya aga2 gimanaa gitu.

tapi tadi pas pulang denger lagu ini di JAK FM, after so many times.. it's not that bad :D... tapi kenapa ya, single pertamanya aga2 RnB? well, kalo ga RnB apapun lah itu beatnya serupa...

Atas nama pasar... hehe

Anyway here's the lyrics:
I hung up the phone tonight
Something happened for the first time deep inside
It was a rush, what a rush

'Cause the possibility
That you would ever feel the same way about me
It's just too much, just too much

Why do I keep running from the truth?
All I ever think about is you
You got me hypnotized, so mesmerized
And I've just got to know

Do you ever think when you're all alone
All that we can be, where this thing can go?
Am I crazy or falling in love?
Is it real or just another crush?

Do you catch a breath when I look at you?
Are you holding back like the way I do?
'Cause I'm trying and trying to walk away
But I know this crush ain't goin' away-ay-ay-ay-ayy
Goin' away-ay-ay-ay-ayy

Has it ever crossed your mind
When we're hanging, spending time girl, are we just friends?
Is there more, is there more?

See it's a chance we've gotta take
'Cause I believe that we can make this into something that will last
Last forever, forever

Do you ever think when you're all alone
All that we can be, where this thing can go?
Am I crazy or falling in love?
Is it real or just another crush?

Do you catch a breath when I look at you?
Are you holding back like the way I do?
'Cause I'm trying and trying to walk away
But I know this crush ain't goin' away-ay-ay-ay-ayy
Goin' away-ay-ay-ay-ayy

Why do I keep running from the truth?
All I ever think about is you
You got me hypnotized, so mesmerized
And I've just got to know

Do you ever think when you're all alone
All that we can be, where this thing can go?
Am I crazy or falling in love?
Is it real or just another crush?

Do you catch a breath when I look at you?
Are you holding back like the way I do?
'Cause I'm trying and trying to walk away
But I know this crush ain't goin' away-ay-ay-ay-ayy
This crush ain't goin' away-ay-ay-ay-ayy
Goin' away-ay-ay-ay-ayy
Goin' away-ay-ay-ay-ayy
Goin' away-ay-ay-ay-ayy