27 Oktober 2008

Skeptical thought

My dad always said that i'm full of negativity.
that my thought always full of NOes and imposibility, to be short, i'm always being skeptical. for almost anything. that i always thought my brother wouldn't want to wait for me during my night shift, which he did for almost two hours without whining. that my mom wouldn't listen to my idea of furniture color, which she did and she even ask the designer to re-designed what he has done to my mom.

My dad always said that i should stop think negative on everything going on around me.
but, let me get things right, who thought me to be skeptical?
if it's not the experience itself.

it's more like reffered pain mechanism in several hollow organ dysfunction.
when an impulse delivered to the brain from unusual source of pain, still, the brain will interpret the pain as something that coming from organs that "usually" send pain impulse.

i don't have to think twice to know what happen next.
because it happens all the time, when i know that some mechanism will end in such way, no matter how much i try to interfere, why should i bother for hoping a change?

if it's something actually happens outside the unusual way, it's simply coincidence.
now, am i wrong for being skeptical?

24 Oktober 2008

tough luck part2

and my "luck" leads me to...

someone who failed 6 of my friends in previous rotation....
Lord, what do you wnat me to do...

Resident: He/She's good.
Me: No, i meant it.
Resident: No, He/She uh.... i don't have any comment for you about him/her.... um.. but well, he/she's nice. i mean, when you have your exam under his/her supervision.
Me: .... *unsure*
Friend: Poor Prognosis? malam?
Resident: No. bonam. he's/she's... nice...

yeah but the resident said it in flat tone, flat-faced, PURE emotionless.
That's SO pathological, doc. (to think that he used to be cheerful and full-of-spirit kind of person)

i better get to study.

23 Oktober 2008

tough luck

bad things do happens.
hari ini paginya berjalan kaya biasa, DiPa, PresKas, Kerja Poli...
yang beda hanya gw harus ngejer nyari 3 kasus buat PorTy (Portfolio -red)

pulang, masuk ke mobil...
ga bisa starter, kirain karena kekunci soalnya central locknya suka rese, tapi BENER2 ga bisa nyala! udah dicoba, dibantu sama mas2 supir sekitar (sambil diketawain juga karena gw ga tau letak "alat2") tapi intinya GA BISA NYALA.

dan hari hujan. PERFECT.

jadi gw ambil Laptop mu ngerjain PorTy, dan ternyata, GW GA BISA MASUK KE WINDOWS...
coba mask Safe Mode, ga bisa...
masuk Command Prompt, ga bisa...
trus gw ketemu CiPi, gw jalan ke forensik untuk minta tolong ma temen...
lalu setelah dikutak-kutik dan dia ngomong sendiri pake bahasa IT yang ga gw ngerti akhirnya dia memvonis lapotop gw mesti di "F"-word. (Format -red)

dan masih hujan. JUST WHAT I NEED.

gw nunggu di pojokan perpus sampe kk gw dateng
udah ga ujan,tapi gw mesti ke Karawaci buat benerin Laptop, butuh banget buat ujian.
beres sih, untung udah dipartisi jadi data inti gw ga ilang....

tapi jadinya gw pulang capke banget, masi harus ngerjain PorTy pula...
huff... ga ikutan tambah jaga deh gw besok..

Bad Day banget hari ini,
tap tunggu besok, undian penguji ujian Potfolio..
let's see what's my luck can lead me to...

16 Oktober 2008

Thai Ice Tea

---> current obsession: Thai Ice Tea

Menurut gw paling enak sih di J.Co atau Cilantro hehehe (tapi gw ga gila buat ke gedung BNI 46 cuma buat beli ini... niat.com). kalo diinget2 dulu, pernah baca di majalah mana kalo orang inggris suka minum susu pagi2, karena ada pengaruh dari budaya China kalo ga salah, jadi sedikit "bergeser" suka minum teh pake susu pagi2...

dan saat itu gw langsung eneg bayanginnya.. (how come???)
Teh aja udah buat sengsara.. ditambah susu pula..

dan beberapa tahun kemudian (which is Now), gw rela bermacet2 ria dari kampus buat nyari Thai Ice Tea (yang notabene ga jauh -jauh amat dari teh susu). speaking of Karma.

Oh iya, ga usah peduliin postingan sentimentil gw sebelumnya.
emang dilahirin bukan sbagai idealis, kalo semangat kebakar kaya gitu sekali dan langsung "dipadamkan" akhirnya padam juga.. (ga kaya semangat versi Dorama Jepang yang walaupun udah diinjek2 kaya apa masih berjuang... that's just not... me..)

jadi apa yang terjadi?
intinya gw salah baca. udah bela2 in baca diktat sampe pagi tapi tetep aja yang keluar soal aneh bin ajaib, dan yang paling nyakitin:
A: Hampir sama ya, kaya soal sebelumnya?
Gw: Hah? nggak kali
A: Sama. liat deh *kasih liat*
Gw: ... Lho? gw ga ada fotokopian yg ini
A: Ada. coba periksa
pas gw periksa, memang ada sih, tapi itu dibalik2 dari diktat2 fisiologi yang gw selalu berpikir ntar aja bacanya...

*DALEM* kembalikan waktu tidur gw!!!! (>__>)

Oh iya, hari ini pengumuman IGD keluar...
Alhamdulillah gw lulus sih, (dan sebenernya itu yang gw bingung, Mini CEX gw banyak planga-plongo, Post Test juga *kayanya*prognosis ga bagus, Portfolio jelas2 heheheh buatnya hari-H, walaupun udah dibuat sebelumnya sihh). Kalo ga karna dr. ED Sp*(K) ***. yang ga tau kenapa ngasih nilai Mini-CEX yang sangat membantu... (>__>)

Aduh ga enak badan... ((>_<)
tapi masih harus ngerjain PresKas

14 Oktober 2008


if it's simply because of something that they wouldn't react, and it's left to you to make some change... or something like it, make it worth, for yourself. at least, you tried.

12 Oktober 2008

taken from a blogspot's site i totally forgot to link it, sorry

by the way, the question is:
Would you really wear this? this anatomically-distorted boots?

i like flats
i love flat-tops
i (may) tolerate stilettos or heels

but this boots doesn't even have heels!

kasian gastocnemius dan soleus...
dan David Beckham harus terus rangkul istrinya kalo kaya gini, in case she's falling backward

(and yes, it's Victoria Beckham's boots)

11 Oktober 2008

Sundays at Tiffany's

akhirnya kesampean juga beli ini, udah sampe kebayang-bayang dari awal masuk IGD. setelah direkomendasi oleh teman*peace nad* :)

well, what this 300-page with large font have? (yes, it's so LARGE that makes me feel reading a book for preschool kid. no-offense to preschool kid ^^ )

Romance? check.
Fantasy? double check.
Not-another-high-school-story? check.
No Vampires, Werewolves, or another scary things? check (have i told you they creep me out?)
Cheesy Lines? not as good as Edward's but, okay. CHECK. *grins*

bukunya bagus kok^^
sejauh ini sih lumayan, ceritanya ringan ga bikin dahi mengkerut pas baca, ga bikin yang baca bolak-balik halaman, ga buat yang baca bilang "Oh? masa sih? kayanya tadi si X kaya gini..." atau ga bikin yang baca naro buku bentar, menerawang ke atas dan mikir "apa gw salah beli buku ya?". bagi yang suka romance, apalagi yang suka romance dengan bumbu ke-gamungkin-an yang kental (baca: fantasi).

It's simple as falling in love, but the person is your EX-imaginary friend.
sounds pathetic at first i know, but it isn't when you suddenly back from your tiresome job and not-even-better life found your so long and lovable imaginary friend, not as a ghost, as a seen, real-life 3 dimentional human being. that's what's this book about. :)

but still, i can't picture what this book or the other book's means by heavenly agreeable person. Specially when this book mentioned Three Hughes, The Jackman, Grant and one other his fictionally created Hugh LOL. i can't picture someone that top-notch, someone who... y'know both sensitive and have gentlemen-like manners. i mean, what i have in mind is someone with someone else's personality. i wonder where did the authors get the image of their perfect leading man? Specially when the Author himself is a man... oh well..

btw, kemaren udah selesei di IGD, kinda miss that place already LOL (and yea, i'm not kidding). gimana juga pengalaman pertama di klinik, jadi lumayan berkesan, terutama.. CAPEK nya itu. LOL. Now i'm heading for ophtalmology... ayo semangat!! hari Rabu udah Ujian...

Oh iya, buku tadi 7 out of 10

oh WOW. a writing internist.

09 Oktober 2008


Prognosis: dubia ad malam

sebenernya belom tau sih, tapi gw BODOH banget.
padahal dokternya sangat sangat sangat sabar dan baik...
kenapa otak gw ga jalan di waktu yang semestinyaa??????????

07 Oktober 2008

just when i thought this day is gonna be suck

just when i thought today is gonna be suck...

after your disastrous morning report...
after being told "unqualified" so many times that your ears have actually enjoyed it..
after the more disastrous case presentation in the afternoon...
after being locked outside the house when you got home...
after you realized that you still have dirty laundry to wash...
after you realize that you're losing any motivation, any spirits to keep on...
you fed up with something that you cannot change...
and after you find that you're surely clueless what you have to study for exam...

there's thing like this:
"Mama bantu ya de, nanti kamu capek"
"Kamu mau makan?, nanti dibelikan habis pulang"
Some sort of hilarious yet romantic and full-spoiler fiction wrote by wonderful friend
Friday's plan for getting away with a friend
Birthday gift from a best friend...

somehow, i feel loved. and today is not really that bad. :)

02 Oktober 2008


credit to: edwardandbella.net

tadi ga sengaja mu cari slogan buat forum indotwilight.com ketemu ini, gw suka sama foto ini. bukan karena disitu ada triple strike (Kellan Lutz, Robert Pattinson sama Taylor Lautner, yah itu juga sih tapi bukan yang utama xDxD alesaann..) tapi enath kenapa gw suka foto item-putih kaya gini, ditambah kesannya foto ini bersahabat banget. (well, those smiles does look sincere.. heheh)

ga kerasa fans twilight banyak juga, dari yang indo sampe luar negeri, sebenrnya gw sampe kaget pas tau ternyata buku ini tuh fenomenal banget. gw ga ngeh ketenarannya setelah kebiasa denger hingar-bingar tentang Harry Potter yang juga fenomenal, ternyata ada buku ini toh.

baru-baru ini lho, gw suka novel, entah kenapa. inget banget pas SMP temen pernah bilang.
Temen: gw ga suka komik
Gw: Masa?
Temen: pusing, gambar semua, enakan novel, berimajinasi.
Gw: itu mah pusing, tulisan semua.
kemakan ucapan gw. sekarang jarang banget baca komik, suka bingung bacanya dari kiri-ke-kanan ato sebaliknya. akhir ini juga suka menggila baca novel 700 hal dalam dua hari, ato ngabisin 4 novel selama liburan kemarin (i really do need to get a life, LOL).

kalo mengenai segi cerita, entah kenapa, gw suka romance, ga suka banget sama high-school story (atau apapun deh yg pake school2-an, i dunno why), horrorr masih boleh lah, tapi yang paling gw suka itu cerita fantasi (yang ga mungkin, sihir2an versi harry potter, atau makhluk2 ajaib Night S....), impossible, but fun to read :)

btw november 21 ini twilight tayang, posternya udah dimana2 (gede banget lagih). sebenernya gw penasaran gimana peter facinelli pake snell-jas:

(yang ditengah)
warna kemejanya bikin il-fil, ato emang gw ga gitu suka sam warna yang biru terang gt, tapi juga kesannya ko jadi kaya happy-gp-round vampire doctor.

btw talking about doctors, kenapa ya kalo di film2 kebanyakan yang disinggung surgeon? di Grey's.. bahakn di Sims pun adanya surgeon. paling banter dokter lain yang disinggung di film itu OB/GYN. so, what happen with ophtalmologist? pediatricians? internists? radiologist?? or even GPs?? LOL

>________> pusing nih. banyak tugas.

New feature!

Lesson of the day!
Hal-hal ga penting tapi bermakna untuk diingat di kemudian hari heheheh
