31 Agustus 2008

Like warmth of an old friend

Just realized there's a world behind Med School craziness and books of Jane Austen.
A forgotten memories, delight of anger and laugh of mine in many years back. some of them felt painful by then, but when it comes to remembering it couldn't help to bring a smile and a warm heart.

like warmth of an old friend.
Yes i'm feeling Melancholy, don't laugh at me LOL
but i'm currently browsing things that used to be the object of my happiness, things that i would lose something to get into that. well, see how obssesive i am into things? haha, i'm glad i can control it now. LOL

i want to get back into those days
when the part of me still innocent and idealistic xD. but still, i'm not that old now...

Talking about old friend,
Been visited by high school best friend yesterday, she mused about how "womanly" i could get now, and why i'm willing to use heels LOL. She and I were sit next to each other in the third grade, we were high-school punk-rocker (lol), hated girly-thing, definitely DESPISED boybands..

i'm glad i wan't telling her i started to listen those mushy love songs and read Cheesy romantic novels or everything with title "Love"..
she might think i was abducted by aliens in recent four years lol.
She hadn't changed a bit, still the spunk, open-minded, full-energy dear old friend. She's just speak a bit more "Philosophy", (which cracked me up once in a while *evil friend*).

No matter how much i said i hated my High School with Passion, i miss them.
my friends, our bad jokes, my ex-crushes (lol), our musings about exams... even my once-i-thought-mind-distorted teacher (he IS kinda weird). i want to feel it once again, wearing those "unattractive" white shirt and gray skirt, sitting in our beloved IPA-1, Chatting before bell rings, gossiping... i miss those days dearly.

Currently listening to One Love by Arashi
i even don't know there's such song, the last song i heard will be something from TIME Sooo Yesterday, i know *giggles*
(one of the things that i said above, my former addiction, can't say former either) i didn't meant to forget those, the two years back, losing self in fangirling in every gathering.. LOL.

Buat anak AI sori ya ga bisa dateng gath,
padahal gw pengen banget lho, cuma gw harus ngejer nyicil skripsi, oktober apapun yg terjadi gw mesti sidang, sedangkan nanti departemen pertama itu IGD takut ga ada waktu...

it's sucks when you have to choose between your delight and your duty. *synical laugh*
Ayo2.. Penyebab mata merah apa????

Bagiannya Jun:

hyakunen saki mo ai wo chikau wo, kimi wa boku no subete sa

DAMN IT! Jun, Please say that those words is for me... please...
Haha Ja Ne~

gw baru nyadar kalo ini wedding song...

*mata merah, mata merah...*

20 Agustus 2008

*garuk-garuk kepala*

*hela nafas*

Ya Allah, permudahkan lah urusanku..
kenapa statistik begitu sulit?
dan kenapa semua buku ga ada yg pake bahasa membumi

gw butuh buku yang judulnya: "Statictic for idiots, from A to Z" (karena ada buku internet for idiots xDD)

*garuk2 kepala*
karena gw ga ngerti statistik. *sama sekali*
tapi gw disuruh buat metodologi...


19 Agustus 2008

Video Games


So much for Video games.
Hey, i'm a gamer myself, and i don't think video games is waste of time. i think it's relaxing, refreshing, escaping your busy mind from reality for a while. but no, i'm not going to make it as full time job!

i'm feeling like commenting about this for a while. i think this kid doesn't what he was doing. he need to get a life, doesn't he has any guilty feeling in playing video games all day for every day?. i'm not a study-type person and definitely NOT a people person, but i had my three days back FFXII (which is almost finish yay!) but i stopped because i felt guilty for not, lest see, checking emails? saying hi to parents? or let's make it general, socializing and worse, finishing those damn report.

but his parents hired a tutor tho', i hope it will do him any good. so he won't really wast of his time.

in case he cares, i know, hundred, or thousand people in different part of the world who are begging for education but they don't have sufficient fund for it. so, those kids have to work with their parents, and when they even have to peek from school window to have the same lesson like the one who are inside the classroom.

edit: ngenet sama Livia di LabKom... gw liat dia buka-buka jurnal biokimia, gw malah ngarol-ngidul di Blog dan forum... hmmm.. mungkin ini bedanya orang sukses sm *blm* sukses hahahah

14 Agustus 2008

Mr Darcy Ramblings

if one of my friend couldn't have Edward Cullen out of her head, then i just CAN'T get the name Fitzwilliam Darcy out of my head.

i've been Pride and Prejudice Freak lately.
reading the book, watching the movie several times...
i dunno some people said that the movie is cheesy and boring, but maybe due to the fact that i had already in love with the book before i watched the movie, i found the movie is Enchanted

I've googled about it, watched several clips in youtube (definitely love the erased part of the british version, the one short chat between Darcy and Elizabeth in front of his "also enchanted" huge mansion: Pemberley)

Reading other's reviews in Amazon and Few Fanfics.
FanFics! as much as i love twilight, i never dare to read any fanfic about it,
i'm just afraid that it'll twist the story too much that make it no more interesting story.
but i Read for P&P simply because i "hunger" for more Lizzy and Darcy's story. LOL
( i read one piece of writing set up in modern day, about P&P too. pretty much the same, the plot and everything. a bit much twist but it's very good story to read, i felt a bit hesitation due to its amount of swearing words lol xDDD)

F. Darcy is not like Edward Cullen
in the first pages of the book, he succeeded to piss me off with his arrogance. but he later on the books he's a very gentle and responsible. he's just too... shy. xDD

Ada dua versi film P&P dibuat, yang BBC sama Focus media
gw sih nonton yang focus Media yang maen Keira Knightley sama Matthew Mcfadeyn.
kata orang sih bagusan yang versi BBC tapi gw lebih prefer yang Keira dkk.

karena banyak adegan (contohnya Darcy's proposal on Lizzy for the second time) di buat lebih dramatis.
kalo yang di BBC itu dilakukan sambil berjalan-jalan ria.. dengan muka Colin Flirth (yang jadi Darcy) yang tegang dan concern banget xDD (kalo gw yg jadi Lizzy gw ga akan ngeh kalo dia propose..) sebenernya sih di novel juga seharusnya kaya gitu. ahaha (tapi kalo di novel feelnya ada ko..)
sedangkah versi 2005 itu dilakukan pada subuh2 (ceritanya ga bisa tidur tuh orang dua) dengan baju-nya Darcy yang cukup meyakinkan kalo dia abis bangun tidur. mukanya miserable banget lagi... latarnya belakangnya sunrise gitu... lebih dramatis gw bilang.. LOL

such a Drama queen i am xDDD

11 Agustus 2008

in the name of Book collection's and tidy book shelf

inget waktu itu gw bilang gw dapet Pride and prejudice nya jane austen dengan cover pink cantik?
sial ternyata headline Publishing nge-publisinh ke-enam serinya dengan format yang sama (cuma warnanya aja beda)

dan sekarang gw baru dapetin Persuasionnya Jane Austen yang TOR classic publishing, kecil, mungil, murah meriah lagi... (26rb bo!, gw dari bengong, ketawa, sampe bengong lagi liat harganya)

sebenernya pas liat persuasionnya versi headline publishing lebih bagus, warnanya biru muda latarnya aga ungu... huuu pokoknya cantik deh. gw bayangin kalo dijajarin di rak pasti bagus T________T ya sudahlah harganya Headline publish itu lebih dari 2x lipat dari yang gw beli (65rb)

Yeah, and now here i am.
Loving novel of someone who died almost 3 hundred years ago. xD

10 Agustus 2008

Fictionally in love?

Maybe i scared you to death already.. LOL
i've been such a total geek during this school break..
novels again and again.. dari Breaking dawn, pride and prejudice, at first sight...

do i scare you now?
(dengan nada yg sama pas edward bilang :"do i dazzle you now?")

after being helplessly in love (lebai mode:ON) sama Edward Cullen, trus Jacob Black noe it's turning to Mr. Darcy of Pemberley (dari Pride and Prejudice)

He's such an amiable young man!
how come i've been so blind to think of him proud!
(niru2 gaya bahasa jane austen, oh yeah i sound silly i know... i'm not her)
pantes aja judul ini dibilang serinya Jane Austen yang paling remarkable...

ps to Chi2

i'm sorry i couldn't make it
spupu gw berultah pada hari yg sama dan jam yg sama... xD
gw udah maksa bokap anterin tapi tampaknya semua orang akan berkumpul disitu

i really do want to come!!! T______________T
btw Happy Birthday! hehe

08 Agustus 2008


sama orang jepun itu!
seenaknya, aja sih.. setiap kali dikasih kerjaan email gw ga dibales ato dia bilang dia harus belajar

because i'm SACRIFICING IT TOO for this stupid project!

kerjaannya apa sih emang?
kesel gw..